Administration of test cases

Using the web browser, the user can create, describe and comment on test cases and move them per drag & drop to a folder. The test case specification states which variables are required for the test evaluation and which test steps, including expected results, are relevant for the test.
Organization of test procedure

In the Test Lab, a tester or test manager adds test cases per drag & drop to any folder structure. Each executable test case gets parameterised according to the test case specification and carried out step by step. The working steps are flexible, quick and replicable. When using, for example, the RapidRep Test Suite, the test execution can also be done automatised. Executable test cases with parameter values can be loaded into the Quality Master via a simple CSV interface.
Administration of defects

The tester document the deviations from the target behavior in form of a defect. In case of a manual testing, the link to the failed executable test case is created with a few clicks. With the test automation of the RapidRep Test Suite, RapidRep creates the links and attaches the workbook. Defects can be linked to other defects, test cases and executable test cases via the Links tab.