Manage test cases and defects. Simple. Web-based. Free of charge.


What can the RapidRep Quality Master do for you?

  • Management of test cases, executable test cases and defects (suited for small as well as very large projects) 
  • Use and administration via a common web browser (requires JavaScript, e.g. IE or FireFox)
  • Organisation and management of test projects in a database (Oracle, DB2, MS SQL, Sybase or Derby)
  • Fast, bidirectional navigation between the entities of a test project
  • Numerous linkage options (related to, parent of, child of, duplicate, has defect)
  • User-defined tree structures of any depth (consistent drag & drop)
  • Test execution with steps, typed parameters and expected values (manually or automatically by the RapidRep Test Suite)
  • Upload of executable, parameterised test cases (simple CSV interface)

What can you use the RapidRep Quality Master for?

Individually plan, measure and control the quality of programs

Individually plan, measure and control the quality of programs

Your team developed a great product and you want to find out how good it works. In this case you can use the RapidRep Quality Master as test and defect management system.

Contrary to other test and defect management systems, the Quality Master focuses exclusively on the management of test cases, test plans, test analyses, and defects. Consequently, the web application is very easy to use and can be installed and operated within just a few minutes.

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Test automation in agile software projects

Test automation in agile software projects

In agile software development, the teams organise themselves autonomously. Everyone plans, implements and tests on his/her own responsibility. Within short cycles, new product intermediate states emerge, which have to be tested regularly and ad hoc. The constant refactoring has the consequence that in addition to the unit tests, attention is necessarily paid to the system and integration tests, in order to test the interaction with other components.

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